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How to Add Your IBS Seminar to Your Linkedin Profile

By adding your International Business Seminars trip to your LinkedIn profile, you’ll be able to showcase your international experience while you build and maintain your professional network. According to an Erasmus Impact Study, 64% of employers consider international experience important when recruiting new employees. With LinkedIn being the world’s largest professional network and growing rapidly, it’s the perfect place to feature your international business experiences.

Why Students should use LinkedIn

If you’ve never used LinkedIn, you might be wondering whether it’s worth building a profile. As of September 2018, there were over 260 million active users on LinkedIn, with over 60 million being senior-level executives and hiring managers. That’s a lot of potential connections when you are searching for new employment opportunities!

For many recruiters and hiring managers today, after reviewing a resume or application they look up the candidate on LinkedIn. If you aren’t on LinkedIn, you won’t come up during these searches, which can put you at a disadvantage compared to a candidate who has a robust profile.

If you have been actively applying for jobs online, you may have also noticed how common it has become to see an option to add your LinkedIn profile URL near the resume upload tool. If your profile is built out with all your prior experience, education and skills, this is a huge advantage since potential hiring managers will most likely review this in addition to your resume.

How to Add Study Abroad to Your LinkedIn Profile

Once you have a profile set up, don’t forget to add studying abroad with IBS Tours to your profile. You should also add your study abroad experience to your resume.

  • Log into your LinkedIn account.
  • Navigate to “view profile.”
  • Scroll down to the education section.
  • Click the “+” icon to add a new school.
  • Under “School” type International Business Seminars and select it.
  • Under “Degree” type your seminar name.
  • Under “Description” add a few bullet points to describe your educational experience.

Example Bullet Points

  • Attended a 3-week business seminar in Europe to gain valuable insight into international business
  • Learned from executive-level professionals at 14 international companies in 6 European countries, including: BMW, Swarovski Crystal, and the World Trade Organization
  • Gained the knowledge, skills, and qualities necessary to engage responsibly and effectively in a global business environment
  • Learned basic language skills in French and Italian
  • Participated in Alumni Ambassador Program to mentor future students and wrote six blogs about my experience abroad for the IBS website

Making Connections on LinkedIn

Once you’ve updated your LinkedIn profile to include International Business Seminars, you should utilize some of the connections you made while studying abroad and add these professionals to your LinkedIn network. You can do this by searching manually for their name and location, or if they provided a business card, searching by email.

You can also add other students who attended the seminar as connections on LinkedIn. All connections you make are valuable, and you never know who might be able to help you land a job in the future!
