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World Away From Home – International Business Seminars

Have you ever wanted to travel but had no idea how or where to start? I completely relate to you, let me tell you a fun story of how I went from never leaving California (Las Vegas doesn’t count) to traveling to 5 insanely different countries in the span of a year.

I am a recent graduate from California State University, Fullerton’s Full Time MBA program with my MBA in marketing.  It was this decision to go back to school and get my masters that really spurred my love of traveling.  Before starting my program in the fall of 2014 I had only traveled around California.  Yet I always wanted to explore someplace bigger and better.  While researching programs to apply to I found many places offered study abroad opportunities. I knew these were the types of programs I wanted to apply to.  Then I found my dream program at CSU Fullerton where going abroad for a short study abroad trip was included in my tuition and was one of my electives.  I had no idea that this one study abroad trip would bring on more than I could ever imagine.

My first trip, which was included in my MBA program, was to Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile.  I had never really thought about going to South America, let alone have it be my first experience traveling abroad. Yet now I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else as my first international trip. This trip was beyond anything I could ever prepare for. The flight, the food, the different language, the cultures, everything was new, different and part of an adventure that was absolutely everything I didn’t know I needed to see. Only my cohort for my program went on this trip and it was the best bonding experience we could have ever taken part in.  Finally, we were all on the same page in a foreign place where we didn’t speak the language, didn’t know where to go or know anyone other than one another. Visiting the different companies gave me an appreciation of how global business works and how other countries conduct business in ways that sitting in a classroom or reading from a textbook cannot.  Hearing how the governments and economies were so drastically different in these countries was eye opening. It was so interesting to go to the grave of Eva Peron. To see an Argentine Tango in Argentina. Drink Chilean wine at a local winery. Go to a beach in the middle of January in Chile because it was summer there.  The list of memories could go on and on but the best memories are getting to know my classmates on a whole different level that just couldn’t happen in a classroom. This was my first experience with International Business Seminars and I loved every second of it!



It was while in Buenos Aires there was talk of a Summer China Seminar that International Business Seminars coordinates that is open to a number of schools across the U.S., taking you to Beijing and Shanghai.  I instantly knew that I had to go. Buenos Aires was such an amazing experience after only 3 days that I knew I had to explore somewhere else and go on another incredible adventure. Going with people from other schools, majors and degree programs was especially appealing. Who doesn’t like meeting new people who also want to explore, learn and have fun?! A week after returning from South America I was emailing Jia Xie, one of the leader of the Summer China Seminar, about more information about how I can join International Business Seminars to explore China that summer.

In May 2014, only a day and a half after my last final for the semester, I was on a plane to Beijing for my second International Business Seminars study abroad adventure of the year.  I was even more excited for this China tour than South America because I was able to bring my best friend with me.  Since it was an open tour and not restricted to just my MBA cohort like South America was, guests were allowed. Without hesitation he was signed up for the seat next to me. I thought I had an idea of what I was getting into with this trip because of my first International Business Seminars tour to South America.  This trip was completely different in the best ways possible. The people on this trip were the greatest group of people I could have ever imagined traveling with.  We all bonded so well, and so quickly! Not only did I get to make friends with people from other schools, but other people from CSU Fullerton as well! There is no better bonding experience than riding rickshaws, climbing the Great Walk of China, not knowing what you are eating yet still liking it and haggling for Minion Legos in the middle of a Shanghai street at 12:30am.  I was really excited to go to China because of the amount of business that is done with the country as it will have an increasingly larger impact on the world economy for decades to come.  While there I gained a lot of knowledge about how many challenges there are to doing business with China, but now in my job months later, I actually see and understand the true depth of some of the obstacles talked about in business visits.

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After coming home from China I was really sad that I didn’t know when I would or could travel abroad again.  Luckily there was ANOTHER opportunity to go on another International Business Seminars study abroad program with a CSU Fullerton group. This time two weeks after finishing up my final semester of my program I was off to Singapore and Hong Kong for a third International Business Seminars study abroad program, exactly one year after leaving for my first tour.  This trip was exciting because I was really excited to go back to Asia and explore new areas.  Singapore was so different from the other countries I had experienced.  It was small, English was commonly spoken, there was a Starbucks on every corner and it was rather clean and safe feeling.  It felt incredibly safe, enough to confidently explore around on my own one afternoon.  There was also something really amazing about celebrating finishing up my MBA at the rooftop bar of the iconic Marina Bay Sands overlooking Downtown Singapore and the Bay as well as going to a temple that housed a portion of Buddha’s tooth.  Hong Kong did not disappoint with its adventures either. From the tallest bar in the world (on the 118th floor), to seeing a foreign Disneyland, being able to learn more about their extensive port operations and the business importance of Hong Kong.

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It is hard to really explain in a few paragraphs all that you learn, gain and experience on an International Business Seminars study abroad program.  I have learned priceless cultural knowledge about groups of people I never could have in a classroom.  Classmates became good friends with whom I share memories and I will never forget.  Strangers turned into best friends that I still talk with daily. Even a year later I am benefiting from things I learned while on my first International Business Seminars study abroad program and I think that this is only the beginning! When I decided I wanted to travel through school I never could have imagined that it would have helped me grow so much as a person and business student, keep this in mind when you’re looking to get the most out of college that you can!
