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How To: Survive The Last Month Before Your Trip

With only one more month before the Winter Europe Trips leave, I know exactly how you’re feeling. You want to get excited but finals are around the corner and it feels like December is going to drag on. Never fear, there is still so much you can do before you leave to help pass the time.

Get Shopping

My favorite type of trip preparation is shopping, especially because it’s just in time for the holidays. If you’ve done any research on Europe’s weather forecast for December and January, you know that it’s going to be cold and a little rainy. That’s exactly how it was during my trip last year and I felt prepared with my Barbour Classic Beadnell Wax Jacket. They have styles for both men and women, they protect from the cold, and the wax provides for a light rain jacket if it is sprinkling. I wore my Barbour nearly every day (except for the one day I left it on the bus… oops) and never felt the need to change up my wardrobe.

Another shopping tip for ladies is to find a handbag that crosses over your shoulder; this is to help keep away pickpockets. Before you leave, practice keeping your bag tucked underneath your jacket; keep in mind when you’re in crowded places to hold onto the top of your bag to keep it closed and away from prying fingers.

Plan for the Plane Ride

Other ways to pass the time the month before your trip is to figure out what you want to bring on the plane. This may seem unnecessary but when you’ve been traveling for about half a day, you’ll thank me. Like I mentioned, you’ll probably be spending about twelve hours from when you leave your house to when you arrive at your hotel early in the morning in London. Whenever you arrive, you will meet a group of fellow travelers and you will want to make a good first impression.

To do this, you need to look fresh upon arrival! A no-brainer is to get enough sleep when you’re flying; don’t do what I did and stay up the entire flight watching movies because I had eye bags for days! Other tips: make sure to brush your teeth at least twice on the plane, and when you get up to brush also wash and moisturize your face. It’s important to stay moisturized during the flight because the air at a couple thousand feet is quite dry. You should also think about bringing a small travel puzzle like Crosswords or Sudoku for when the pilot leaves the lights on even if it’s pitch black outside. And these are also perfect stocking stuffer gifts!

Research Each City

My last tip for passing the time before your journey is to research, research, research! Soon you will be receiving your packets with your company assignment. One thing that I cannot stress enough is to do research on the business that you were assigned BEFORE you leave. Not only do you not have to do research the night before your presentation, but you’ll also look incredibly prepared to your teammates. And if you’re like me and hate public speaking, do not worry – this presentation is more to inform and excite your fellow travelers rather than inform so don’t stress.
