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What Are the Requirements for Studying Abroad?

It is a big decision to choose to participate in an academic study abroad program, but the process of applying involves more than just deciding to go. You are committing to living in another country for what is likely to be a few weeks or longer. You may be traveling far from everything that is familiar to you. Do you have what it takes for study abroad? And what are the requirements anyway?

Different programs will have different requirements for their study abroad students. At International Business Seminars, we facilitate the travel and experience for the students, but it is up to each individual university to decide what qualifies for credit. We find that students who meet the following requirements are more likely to have a successful and memorable experience.

Be in Good Academic Standing

Study abroad seminars and classes often have strict requirements if you plan on participating for credit. Some programs may have a minimum GPA average. As long as you are in good academic standing with your school and can complete the required work, you should be a good candidate for most International Business Seminars.

If you feel you do not quite meet the requirement of being in good academic standing, you can always apply for a program after you have raised your standing with your institution. You can still participate in a life-changing study abroad experience in the future.

Have a Curiosity for Learning About New Places and Cultures

If you are considering studying abroad, that means you will be going to another country to live and attend meetings for a designated amount of time. You should preferably have an open mind about different countries, people, foods, and cultures as you may be exposed to sights and experiences vastly different than in your home country. While a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn new things is not necessarily required, they will help you to get the most memorable experience out of your program.

Meet Application Deadlines

You should apply for your study abroad program of choice well in advance. One of the first pieces of information you should research is when the application deadlines are so you are sure to submit your paperwork on time. Study abroad is all about learning in another country while being punctual and reliable – meeting your application deadline is the minimum of showing that you will take the experience seriously and do what is required for participation in the program.

Application deadlines are usually well in advance of the actual study abroad program because all participants will need time to prepare for the experience. The materials to help you learn more about the country you will be visiting will be provided to you.

Maintain a Professional Business Demeanor

Your study abroad program is likely to have requirements on how students should compose themselves throughout the program. International Business Seminars requires students to dress appropriately for business settings – essentially, to dress as though you were going to an interview at these organizations. As a representative of your country and our program, you should maintain a professional business demeanor, particularly during the seminars.

Read All Materials

International Business Seminars provides study abroad students with reading materials to learn more about the country in which they will be studying. We offer information regarding the country’s economy and culture, as well as the organizations that students will be visiting. It is expected that students will read this information thoroughly to help them prepare for their experience.

We also offer traveling tips, which can be especially helpful if this is your first international study experience. You should be willing to go through all of the reading materials provided for you before embarking on your program.

Attend and Participate in All Scheduled Sessions

Study abroad programs also require active participation. When you are in a seminar, it is expected that you will listen closely to any speakers or presenters. You should also be willing to ask well-thought-out questions as appropriate. Students should also be courteous throughout a presentation.

Attendance and participation are mandatory for most programs. You will need to check with your university to find out the exact requirements you must meet in order to earn academic credit.

Submit a Final Report

Most study abroad programs require students to submit a final report once their experience is complete. For International Business Seminars, students should keep a journal of each seminar. After returning from the trip, each student will receive an organization assignment where they must write about what they have learned about the organization.

Be Proactive

Embarking on a study abroad experience is a personal decision that requires personal motivation. Filling out the application is a great way to demonstrate your desire to be proactive and participate in the program. Scholarships are available for students who qualify. To start on your own once-in-a-lifetime study abroad experience, apply for an upcoming seminar with International Business Seminars.
