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Not Your Typical School Setting

Who doesn’t like to have a fun time while learning!? The company I enjoyed learning from the most was BMW. BMW gave us the chance to learn how the company started and see how things get done every day. It was a great experience to see how cars that some people drive daily are created.

I am an operation management and information system major and visiting BMW was just awesome! I have learned so much about manufacturing and to see it be done in-person instead of reading it in textbooks was so cool. What I learned from this whole company visit was how much businesses in Europe take advantage of technology in their manufacturing processes. Jobs that workers used to do are now handled by machines and robots. Machines have been developed to reduce manufacturing costs and transfer parts, like car doors, from one location to another more easily. All employees must do is occasionally ensure everything in the assembly line is running smoothly.

Improved Communication Skills

students outside BMW headquartersWith all the company visits I attended during my trip to Europe, I greatly developed my communication skills. I was always shy when it came to asking questions or even keeping up with conversations and I really developed these skills during our company visits. I have always heard “no question is ever a dumb question” and during this time I was not embarrassed to ask any questions even if I thought they were insignificant.
This trip helped me out not only professionally but also socially. I gained knowledge of how a manufacturing company runs which is so cool because that’s what I am majoring in. It made me see that I chose the right major for myself because I love everything about it.
I also gained friends and an opportunity to network. I met great people and among these people I met a good friend who helped me with getting an internship with a great company after my arrival back to the US from Europe. I really stepped out of my comfort zone when it came to the experience of new business settings and networking.

How IBS Impacted My Future Goals

students visiting BMW with international business seminars My goal is to get the chance to work abroad in the future. I loved my time in Europe and if I have the opportunity within my future career to work abroad I am going to take it. I think it’s a great experience to be able to learn how businesses are run in other countries and to see how similar, yet different things are running.

What I learned from this seminar that will help with living abroad is the importance to learn or attempt to speak other languages. Many people appreciate your attempt to speak their native language in comparison to not even trying. It’s also beneficial for myself to learn another language. Speaking multiple languages is beneficial worldwide and to see that I only know two and many people in Europe know up to 4-10 languages is insane. It makes me feel like I have been living in a bubble my whole life. I am grateful that my experience with International Business Seminars has allowed me to burst this bubble.
