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IBS Does it All!

IBS does it all for you!Doing all the planning for a study abroad program can be very stressful. My mind was flooded with all the details. What do I pack? Am I forgetting something? Where is my hotel? How do I fly by myself? All of these thoughts will run through your head during the weeks leading up to your trip. However, IBS plans everything for you! From plane tickets to your hotel accommodations to transportation to and from the airport, IBS does it all. IBS was incredibly helpful at easing any anxieties I had about traveling by myself.

Not your typical study abroad

When I thought of a study abroad program, I thought of an intense 7-week summer program. Where you were expected to be in a classroom 5 days a week with lectures and exams. With IBS study abroad programs the complete opposite is true. My IBS program was structured but not at the same time. IBS schedules out everything while allowing PLENTY of free time. The study abroad program I went on was Winter Two Europe.

I was traveling to London and Paris in 11 days. The schedule was planned in a way that gave us the most amount of free time. The site visits or ‘class time’ were in the mornings, usually from 9 a.m. to noon allowing the rest of the days to be yours to explore the city, go to a museum or try some new food. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of the free time. The trip is for you so go make it your own!

my experience abroad

IBS Does it all for you!The site visits are not lectures in a classroom. You can only learn so much from sitting in a lecture. By studying abroad with IBS I learned from top-level executives at prestigious companies. The executives shared real-life experiences of what happens at an international company. I had the opportunity to see in real-time how an insurance market operates internationally. IBS allows you to network and make connections with professionals from around the world. What more could you ask for from a study abroad program? I’m glad IBS does it all for their students!
