My internet is having problems still, so this will post when it can post….
Today we went to view and listen to a presentation at Lockheed Martin UK. At Lockheed, we learned how it was one of the largest facilities for the firm on a international as well as in the United States. Additionally, we received insight on protocol and procedures when working with international employees. Overall, this really interested me since I haven’t really fully thought about the fact that some employees, regardless, of their status within the company, cannot have full access to certain areas or company information due to security purposes.
Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures or film any content like that within the facility due to security purposes; however here are some pictures I took of traveling from here to there on the bus!
Once we received an in depth analysis of the various angles of the employee structures from the major individuals who run and lead sectors of the facility, we then got a tour of the grounds. Here, we were able to see some of the prototypes for some of their projects as well as getting an explanation of the these products will achieve for the future. In between then, Lockheed UK also provided lunch.
Overall, the seminar was very in depth and gave forth a lot of information regarding international business. It allows one to realize that not all business is “the same,” across the board, regardless of the fact the a firm was formulated in another country of origin.
After that we took the bus home, which I believe was two hours here and back. It was a very one day, but still worth it since I was able to take a lot of notes! Now, it’s time to prepare for my presentation since Lloyds of London is tomorrow!!!!