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Common Questions About IBS Study Abroad Programs

Studying abroad is a unique way to learn new perspectives and gain insight into your academic or professional career. At IBS, discover a world of opportunity and learn how business is conducted around the globe.

Most Common Questions from Applicants

How Much Does It Cost?

Seminars vary in cost, depending on the length and location of the program. Participants can elect to include airfare arrangements in the package or book separately. Seminar fees cover most daily expenses like:

  • Local transportation
  • Hotel accommodations
  • Daily breakfast buffet
  • Travel insurance
  • Sightseeing opportunities

How Long Are Study Abroad Programs?

International Business Seminar trips typically last two to three weeks. Longer trips include visits to multiple countries in Europe and Asia, with stops in six different countries over 23 days. Shorter trips last ten days.

Where’s the Best Country To Study Abroad?

Each experience offers something different. For most students, the best countries are the ones that have the most opportunities to network with other business professionals from around the world. All IBS programs bring participants to multiple countries in a single trip, giving students a taste of the entire region.

How Do I Find a Place To Stay?

When traveling with IBS, all accommodation arrangements are taken care of. Students enjoy stays at four-star hotels in safe, exciting neighborhoods. Local transportation to seminar locations and various tourist destinations are included, making it easy to get around.

Is Studying Abroad Worth the Cost?

IBS alumni credit the program for opening doors into the international business world and providing new perspectives that last a lifetime. The experience leaves a lasting impression, teaching students new ways to approach teamwork, time management, interpersonal skills and more.

Is Studying Abroad Safe?

By and large, studying abroad is perfectly safe in most countries. However, you should always be cautious when traveling in unfamiliar places, taking the proper precautions. Most importantly, do your research to learn about the region, cultural differences, political climate and ask others who have visited about their experiences.

What Goals Should I Set for Myself?

While not necessary, participants should prepare professional goals for themselves to get the most out of the program. Create a list of objectives like these before you depart to maximize your visit:

  • Networking
  • Office experience
  • Cultural idea exchange

What Are the Eligibility Requirements?

All applicants must be in good standing with an accredited institution or actively. Business professionals looking to further their networking potential are also invited.

Is Financial Assistance Available?

At IBS, financial planning services are available, offering flexible payment plans designed for your budget. IBS also offers their Founders and Digital Ambassador scholarships for those who qualify. There are also public and private organizations that offer grants and scholarships for students to study abroad.

When Is the Best Time To Study Abroad?

Seminars usually coincide with most academic calendars, occurring during winter and summer break periods. Each visit offers a different experience depending on the student’s goals and interests.

Can You Transfer College Credit?

IBS does not grant academic credits for their seminars. However, your current institution may be able to offer credit for programs completed abroad. Check with your academic advisor to see if your IBS studies count toward your degree before applying.

When Should I Apply?

Different courses have varying start dates and application deadlines, but most applications are due in November for the winter programs and March for the summer programs. In your research, be sure to look up the due dates for enrollment and allow yourself plenty of time to complete the application. Don’t wait until the last minute to start the process. Instead, take time to research the program and compile the necessary information well before the deadline.

Do I Need To Be Fluent in a Second Language?

You don’t need to speak a second language to study abroad, but it can help. If you plan to travel to a country where you don’t speak the language, you should at least learn a few key phrases to help you communicate with the locals.

How Do I Apply?

To enroll in an IBS seminar, complete and submit the online application form. Follow-up details will be sent via email over the subsequent business days, along with key dates and deadlines.

Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by. Learn how other cultures conduct business and discover new experiences first-hand in a foreign country. For more information about this year’s IBS seminars and how to apply, visit IBStours.com today.
