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Our Commitment to You and Study Abroad

We recognize that our communities and the world at large is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Emphatically, we understand that many of you are at home due to university and office closures, and may be trying to figure out what to do next. Our teams are working from home as well, but we want to reassure you that we are continuing our commitment to offer you meaningful travel in the future.

Let’s talk about an interesting thought: This just might be the most important time to reflect on the value of studying abroad.

There is no better time to start discovering the importance of cultural awareness, self-reflection, and adaptability. These are all skills that you are practicing and improving right now. When you study abroad you will be put into new and unfamiliar situations, you will immerse yourself into foreign cultures, and you will have time to reflect on your own personality and privilege.

Looking forward to this winter and next summer, our global economic situation will be much different from where we started the year off. During your program, IBS will offer a unique opportunity to meet with a number of global companies and learn about their response to the pandemic. We will discuss global supply chain interruptions, the extreme shifts in the global market, and the implications of working in a variety of industries. There will be no better time to immerse yourself and learn about international business from local executives.

Most importantly, I hope that we can spend time discussing how we came together globally. We can share how each of us took care of our communities in different ways. We can celebrate how we survived one of the most challenging and devastating medical crises of our time. I hope we can proudly reflect on our decisions to take care of one another and how we are rebuilding.

The job market will look different in the following months and years. What are you doing to set yourself apart? What unique skills are you cultivating and how are you pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to become more employable?

In a time of uncertainly, we will be here for you. When you feel ready and our health and safety professionals give us approval, we will be available to help you with your executive experience abroad.

Reach out to our advising team to learn more and discuss your goals. Send us a DM on our Instagram or call us at (480) 874-0100.

Stay safe and thoughtful of your community around you.
