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Category: IBS Study Abroad Blog

Explore insights, stories, and tips on study abroad, global careers, and cultural immersion to inspire your journey.

Money Management Tips for Students Studying Abroad For many students, budgeting is the least fun part of studying abroad. Nobody wants to think about costs, especially...

Benefits of Summer Study Abroad Programs There are many types of study abroad programs available for students to choose from. Some of them involve going abroad for an...

What is an Executive Study Abroad Program? Studying abroad used to appeal only to an adventurous few and the programs available were somewhat limited in scope. Students...

Considering the common language foundation and the historical ties between the US and the UK, you would think business etiquette would be a simple matter of changing a...

Networking Tips for Students during International Travel Traveling abroad is a great opportunity to hone your cross-cultural communications and build relationships that...

Financing Your Study Abroad Experience with IBS Studying abroad doesn’t have to be financially draining, or a daunting prospect. You have numerous options to finance...

When facing the prospect of business meetings in China, you may be worried about dressing inappropriately and offending your hosts. Luckily, you likely have everything...

In an increasingly global market, university graduates with experience in international relations and business practices have an advantage from the start. With...

Understanding Chinese culture is about more than just understanding the language. With a history of customs and traditions rooted in thousands of years of history, China...

How an International Experience Can Impact Your Career Being exposed to many cultures, businesses and experiences is one of the ways today’s students can aim for top...