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Category: IBS Student Blogs

Explore insights, stories, and tips on study abroad, global careers, and cultural immersion to inspire your journey.

The minute you hear anyone talking about going abroad, it’s human instinct to immediately see the dollar signs start racking up in your head. How is any college...

Goal 1. Gain International Confidence I set my first goal when I heard about the International Business Seminars (IBS) trips while I was looking for study-abroad...

Learning International Business from International Businesses When looking at the itinerary for the trip, I glanced at the list of the businesses we would be visiting. I...

Rediscovering My Passion for Business I am a sophomore Business student at LSU and before going through the study abroad experience with IBS, I was beginning to question...

Traveling internationally may seem intimidating. For some, this may be their first time traveling out of the country, or even a first time flying for others. While this...

The “culture shock” diagram was shared in our introductory meeting in Thailand, and stuck with me throughout our trip (as pictured on the right). Although the...

Attending the Winter One International Business Seminar was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. I was able to become more independent, I was able to...

During the seminar, we had the opportunity to visit different companies from various industries. We were able to hear directly from top executives of the global...

Attending an International Business Seminar program is an unforgettable experience. They provide you with a trip like none other. Through their program, you are able to...

I had no idea what was in store for me but I did have a couple of goals when I signed up for the Winter Southeast Asia International Business Seminar. Some of these...