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A Whole New World Outside the USA

A Whole New World outside the USA

I have always considered myself a well-traveled person. I’ve been to Europe a few times, traveled to the Caribbean, Mexico, and all over the United States. I have tasted a handful of cuisines and experienced different cultures. Though all of the journeys I’ve embarked on were renowned, none of them have shaped me more into a well-traveled person as the seminar I attended with International Business Seminars.

Traveling Around Europe

evecutive experience abroad company visitThe seminar I traveled on with IBS was to four European countries within sixteen days. We began our journey in the United Kingdom where we stayed for five days in Paddington, London. In the UK, we toured a handful of spectacular monuments and met with amazing individuals from honorable companies such as the Chelsea Football Club. On New Year’s Day, our group took the Eurostar train to Paris where we spent three days exploring the city and learning international business. After Paris, our group hopped on a coach and headed to Heidelberg, Germany, where we learned the history of the magnificent city. Lastly, we traveled to The Netherlands and got the privilege of meeting with two well-respected accounting firms, Grant Thornton and KPMG, and had the leisure of exploring amazing Amsterdam. In all of the countries we visited, we were provided an all-access MetroCard that allowed us to explore the greatness of each city with both the group and independently.

With the group, I learned many educational lessons that apply and give great insight to the material learned in business classes back at home. It was very eye-opening seeing how business is conducted overseas and how business communication differs in Europe from the US.

Personal Growth

girl sitting on a giant clogIndependently, I also learned many valuable lessons. The seminar placed us into these foreign cities and encouraged us to immerse ourselves into the culture. Not exactly knowing what this meant, all of us students took our own route and explored what we could during the independent time given. My friends and I ate at local restaurants, tried the food staples in each country, made conversation with the locals, and rode the public transportation. This was my best version of immersing myself into the culture. In immersing myself into the different cultures, I learned that there is so much more to the world than the customs of the United States.

The journey to Europe with International Business Seminars not only facilitated educational growth but allowed me to grow as a person and experience things I would’ve never had the opportunity to on my own. The opportunity to travel as a student is truly one nobody should pass up as it allows for one to experience things they would not be able to if traveling independently.
If I was not graduating, I would attend another seminar with IBS. Though my next journey will not be with IBS, I cannot wait until my next trip and become more of a worldly person. The seminar I took with IBS has truly shown me that there is so much in the world to learn and explore.
