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Helpful Advice From Someone Who Studied Abroad in Europe

Helpful Advice From Someone Who Studied Abroad in Europe

You are thinking about studying abroad or have already chosen the study abroad program that’s right for you. Either way, congratulations! You are in for a trip of a lifetime. I studied abroad in Europe in the summer of 2019 through IBS and it was exactly that. The experiences, memories, and friends I made were everything I could have asked for and more. Studying abroad takes some planning and to assist you with that, here is some helpful advice.

Pick the right program for you

As I said, I went on the Summer Europe seminar through IBS. This program is 23 days during the beginning of the summer. IBS coordinates everything for you from the business seminars, hotel stays, and transportation systems in Europe. Because this was my first time out of the country, it made me more comfortable that I had an itinerary planned for every day, but still had the freedom of doing different things too.

Think about staying connected

Your family and friends are going to want to see your pictures and talk to you while you are abroad, so it is smart to think about how you are going to stay connected before you travel. I ended up getting the international plan through AT&T which was $10 a day. When it comes to budgeting, this is important to keep in mind. So much of Europe has free public WiFi and you can do a lot on your phone without having WiFi at all. Another idea that one of my friends on the trip did, is getting a SIM card while in Europe, this is also much cheaper.

Save up and budget

Budgeting is a given when traveling abroad, but it is important to remember this before you go. If you are a big spender or want to splurge, budgeting is important to keep in mind. Figure out where you will be visiting and research how expensive your destination is. For example, Switzerland was very expensive and instead of eating out each night, we decided to keep it simple and buy food at a grocery store.

Have fun

If you study abroad through IBS, it is quicker than most programs and will go by fast. This is also a given, but make the most of your time and enjoy it! If you are given the opportunity to go then you should go and make the most out of it every day!
