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How My Experiences Aboard Helped Me Get A Job With EY

My experiences with International Business Seminars (IBS) have not only improved my personal growth but have also helped me grow professionally. My trips abroad have taught me skills and helped me gain insight into industries and processes that future employers view as valuable. I have just gone through the job recruitment process and one of the things on my resume that I attribute my success to is my experiences with IBS.

I have recently accepted a position for my dream job at a Big Four accounting firm. I will be a full-time auditor for Ernst & Young starting next summer. My international experience definitely gave me a career advantage through the recruiting process. The topics discussed on my trips abroad gave me valuable ammunition for my conversations through the interview process. The recruiters, staff, managers, and partners that I met were continuously impressed by what I had learned through my international experiences. A common response to my adventures was; “I wish I had taken advantage of similar opportunities when I was in college”.

Why Companies Want to See Study Abroad Experience

Travel makes a person grow up more quickly. Being able to complete an experience like the programs offered by IBS proves a level of independence and global competence. When you are trying to get a job with a global company, like I was with the Big Four, you have to prove that you can handle yourself professionally in numerous environments. The fast-paced travel through IBS programs proves that alumni can be flexible and quickly adapt to changing situations.

When recruiters and other decision makers see an IBS program on your resume, they will probably give you a chance to interview with them. After you get the interview, getting the job is all about personality. Luckily IBS programs give you plenty of things to talk about during every stage of interviews. It is impossible to go on an experience like the ones offered by IBS and not learn more than enough to give you a serious career advantage.

How to Talk about Your Experience with Potential Employers

What I love most about IBS programs are that the presentations and company visits are very applicable to real life. You actually tour the facilities, learn from business leaders, and discuss actual business. You are not just sitting in a classroom during these programs; you are out in the real-world learning from prestigious companies. I constantly find ways to apply the lessons I learned abroad in my everyday life and never run out of things to talk about anymore.

IBS programs will help you excel in your next stage of life. At the beginning of 2018, I had no idea what I was doing with my life. Since then, in 2018, I have traveled to SE Asia where I gained a new motivation for my career. Then I accepted an alumni ambassador position with the IBS company where I gained valuable mentorship. After falling in love with the company, I went on another seminar to Europe where I networked and gained more insight into international business. These experiences abroad gave me a new confidence so when I returned to America I quickly accepted an opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. to work for a not-for-profit. Upon returning from that consulting experience, I went through the recruiting process at Louisiana State University (LSU) where I secured interviews with all the Big Four accounting firms.

I just want to conclude by saying that you will not regret going on an experience like the ones offered by International Business Seminars. By the end of the trip you will have had an amazing time, have a nice experience to put on your resume, have networked with some wonderful people, and have gained skills to give you a serious career advantage.
