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I Grew Personally & Professionally During My Summer China Seminar

“I can honestly say that, of all the trips I have made across the world, this adventure was the most amazing.  I got more out of this experience in China than I ever could have imagined.”  

Summer China Seminar:

During the Summer China Seminar, we met Mr. William Baker, who is an International Business Seminars Alum. After graduating from the University of Texas, he moved to China where he fell in love with everything China has to offer. He said he did a lot of socializing when he first arrived and he feels it helped him acclimate quickly. He educated us on the many social differences between China and the US.

We also visited The American Education Center, which is a pre-departure program for students who plan on attending a University in America. Students start by taking a test and seeing what level they are on. The levels can range from one to twelve.

Once the students achieve level twelve, they are ready to graduate and move on to an American University. Seeing the students make the transition to America was inspiring.

When we met with The American Chamber of Commerce, I had the opportunity to improve my public speaking skills. This was my assigned company for the academic portion of the seminar.

Personal Growth:

I was extremely nervous to present a gift to the speakers. I have taken communication classes and have made plenty of classroom presentations, but never have I had to speak in front of businessmen. This experience in particular was a great learning experience.

Before the Summer China Seminar, I would not have considered moving to another country, but now I do think I will consider it. The places I visited and the people I met will always have a special place in my heart.

“From all the companies we visited, I found a reoccurring theme. The theme was that I can pack my bags tomorrow and move with no friends, no family, and with no knowledge of the language. I have now seen it done and now know that I can do more than I ever imagined.”
