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Students Visited the GE Global Research Center in Germany

Through the Summer Europe and Summer MBA programs, our students had the opportunity to visit one of the six Global Research centers for GE. GE Global Research is in partnership with the GE businesses and brings talent and technology together to create products that differentiate GE as a leader in innovation. The students met with the company’s Technology Leader for Electrical Systems, Dr. Tourbier, to learn about the different divisions, history, technological needs, and business implications of the research center.

The students received a behind-the-scenes look into some of GE’s innovative technologies as well as a Q&A opportunity with Dr. Tourbier.

GE Global Research Center’s Featured Technologies

Diagnostics & Biomedical Technologies

Scientists work to understand the underlying principles and improve applications for clinical use in diagnostic imaging, including MRI, ultrasound, and more. Research focus varies from immediate needs to future technologies.

Aerodynamics & Acoustics

The research ranges from fundamental to fully supplied, focusing on the development of technologies and design tools related to wind energy and turbomachinery.

Electrical Systems and Electronics

The areas of concentration range from nanofabrication, semiconductors, controls and automation systems to mechatronics, robotics, system integration and modeling.

Composite Manufacturing

This discipline focuses on the development and improvement of composite machinery and advanced manufacturing and processes technology.

International Business Seminars provides an opportunity for students to learn from top executives at global companies to gain an understanding of international policies, business practices, and culture. Students can earn university credit while applying the knowledge they’ve learned in the classroom to real-life business settings.
