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Making It Last

Studying abroad is a remarkable journey that is full of unique experiences almost completely dependent on the traveler. The Summer Europe seminar had over 30 students abroad, and each one of us remembers those three amazing weeks slightly differently than one another. That was one of my favorite aspects of traveling abroad- the experience was as profound as it was unique to each of my fellow travelers.

However, after less than half a year, it has already become apparent that there are tiny details that are already beginning to slip from my memory. I took hundreds of photos and videos during my time in Europe, yet I had hardly documented everything in between in any other way. Only retrospectively can I see just how beneficial taking the time to maintain a journal would have been last summer.

Journaling Helps Keep Memories Alive

It is easy to think of the multiple times where my phone was inaccessible throughout my trip. It could be as simple as forgetting to charge it the night prior, to not be allowed access during particular company tours. Many of the outdoor activities in Austria were not favorable to phones: the freezing temperatures at a mountain’s peak, jumping into a river while canyoning, even the fast speeds and sudden turns of the alpine coasters were a hazard to handheld devices. All in all, it leaves a considerable amount of time being left to memory alone. This is reason enough for me to be such a large proponent of journaling one’s day-to-day experiences while traveling.

Setting aside a few minutes each day to account for the few moments that stood out most to you has such an incredible future benefit. Overall, retention is always going to be better when you take the time to write down your personal reflections. This is an experience in which you are quite literally immersed in information. Each country’s customs, cultures, and influences are being experienced first-hand, with so much happening it is almost necessary to write things down to remember all that is occurring around you.
