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Make the Most Out of the Company Visits on Your Seminar

Get the most out of your company visits with International Business Seminars

I will start this blog with the assumption that you have joined the IBS seminar because you want to gather real international experience and stand out from the crowd with a great resume. Here are some tips on how to get the most of out of your company visit:

Come prepared

Have a general idea what the company does, and if you really want to excel come prepared with two or three questions for the presenter. It is very possible that someone else might ask your question prior to your opportunity, but then you will have a backup. It is awesome if you can come up with a question about the actual material the presenter is talking about; showing that you are listening AND interested.

You will be graded on this seminar through your citizenship, your participation, and your final paper. It is difficult to arrange for many of these organizations to meet with students; this is a real opportunity to be able to practice important networking and leadership skills. The first step is to be appreciative, be present and engaged.

Take notes

Your notes will help you write your paper after the trip and remember all of the details of the session. You can also consider taking notes in a journal so you have your academic and personal experiences in one place to look back on.

Ask Questions

This is an actual business person who has given up some time of their work day to meet and engage with you! Being bored is disrespectful and not only looks bad on you and your IBS group, but also your university and the United States. You are a US representative overseas, and I recommend engaging with the company representatives.

Think about how you can use these presentations in your upcoming interviews. Image this in your upcoming interview: “Well, when I attended the session at Lloyd’s of London when I was overseas, the insurer’s reaction to the Brexit indicated…” or “the fascinating item that I learned about auto manufacturing at BMW in Munich is…”

Being prepared for your seminar, just like being prepared for class is crucial to your success. Do your research, ask questions and be curious! This is a rare and very special opportunistic glimpse inside these historically successful companies who are taking the time to talk to you and introduce you to their world. Maybe in a few years, it will be your turn to talk to students.
