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London Day One!

Today marked my very first day in London.  When my flight arrived at 8:00 am, I was filled with so much adrenaline that it didn’t even occur to me that it was only 2:30 am back home and that I should be ridiculously tired.  Waiting through customs here was a much more difficult process than it was in Costa Rica.  Eventually, the whole Clarion group made it through and we met two other students participating in the International Business Seminars program at baggage claim.  Dr. Johnson and Dr. Roach were there with smiles anxiously awaiting our arrival!  We then had to wait for a group of 8 more students and once they were with us, we got a bus to our hotel.  Since it was still so early, our rooms weren’t ready and a few of us decided to go exploring.  We ate breakfast at a small restaurant called Cafe Tarte and discovered plenty of fun things to do around our hotel!  We started to wonder back around noon to see if our rooms were ready and luckily some of them were!  Even though our professors warned us about trying our best to stay awake, I couldn’t deprive myself of a short 2-hour nap!!  At 6:30, all 38 of us met in the lobby for a short orientation session and introduction to the bus and tube systems.  Dinner was on our own, and a group of us enjoyed a meal and a few drinks at The Goat Tavern.  Tomorrow will be a very busy day of walking and touring the city, so I’m excited to get a good night’s rest!
